responsible fabrics for contemporary living
In our aim to offer smart designs that are compatible with an active lifestyle, we are always exploring new materials, developing features that make each garment totally comfortable without compromising its sharp style.
Since our beginning we desired to express our social commitment by acquiring global leading certifications that could prove the quality of our garments but also to be transparent about the processes behind them.
Whether the fabric we are using for a piece is made with cotton or is a tech-infused material, we chose the ones that being responsible with the environment, offer the highest quality.

local and sustainable production
Staying true to our Spanish roots, we decided to sign partnerships with all our suppliers, based in Portugal and Spain, which means we are lowering our CO2 footprint by accomplishing a 100% local production.
Our manufacturers have been achieving goals as the same pace our productions have been becoming bigger which means less usage of water, efficiency of sources and implementing the latest technology trying to innovate every step of our supply chain.

total transparency
With the aim of being totally transparent with our community we were one of the first brands implementing Retraced's app. It focusses on informing our customers about the whole process behind each product, from the yarn supplier to the latest package arriving to their home.

we are now B Corp Certified
Certified B Corporations are leaders in the global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.
This company meets high standards of social and environmental impact.
As Certified B Corporation and leaders of this emerging economy, we believe:
- That we must be the change we seek in the world.
- That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.
- That, through their products, practices, and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all.
- To do so requires that we act with the understanding that we are each dependent upon another and thus responsible for each other and future generations.

reshape the world
We are always improving every little detail that makes the difference and hope to pave the way for the future of fashion consumption.